= '5' ) { if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')){ date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Zurich' ); }else{ ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Zurich'); } } /* version string, do NOT remove!! */ define( 'ICALCREATOR_VERSION', 'iCalcreator 0.9.15' ); /*********************************************************************************/ /** * vcalendar class * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 */ class vcalendar { var $calscale; var $method; var $prodid; var $version; var $xprop; var $format; var $attributeDelimiter; var $valueInit; var $xcaldecl; /** * container for calendar components */ var $components; var $unique_id; var $language; var $directory; var $filename; var $delimiter; var $nl; /* * constructor for calendar object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return void */ function __construct() { $this->_makeVersion(); $this->calscale = null; $this->method = null; $this->_makeUnique_id(); $this->prodid = null; $this->xprop = array(); /** * language = */ if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' )) $this->setLanguage( ICAL_LANG ); $this->nl = "\n"; $this->format = null; $this->attributeDelimiter = ';'; $this->valueInit = ':'; $this->xcaldecl = array(); $this->components = array(); $this->directory = null; $this->filename = null; $this->delimiter = null; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: CALSCALE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar property calscale * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createCalscale( ) { if( !isset( $this->calscale )) return; switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return ' calscale="'.$this->calscale.'"'.$this->nl; break; default: return 'CALSCALE:'.$this->calscale.$this->nl; break; } } /** * set calendar property calscale * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-13 * @param string $value * @return void */ function setCalscale( $value ) { $this->calscale = $value; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: METHOD */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar property method * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createMethod( ) { if( !isset( $this->method )) return; switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return ' method="'.$this->method.'"'.$this->nl; break; default: return 'METHOD:'.$this->method.$this->nl; break; } } /** * set calendar property method * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-13 * @param string $method * @return void */ function setMethod( $method ) { $this->method = $method; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: PRODID * * The identifier is RECOMMENDED to be the identical syntax to the * [RFC 822] addr-spec. A good method to assure uniqueness is to put the * domain name or a domain literal IP address of the host on which.. . */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar property prodid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createProdid( ) { if( !isset( $this->prodid )) $this->_makeProdid(); switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return ' prodid="'.$this->prodid.'"'.$this->nl; break; default: return 'PRODID:'.$this->prodid.$this->nl; break; } } /** * make default value for calendar prodid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function _makeProdid() { $this->prodid = '-//'.$this->unique_id.'//NONSGML '.ICALCREATOR_VERSION.'//'.strtoupper( $this->language ); } /** * make default unique_id for calendar prodid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function _makeUnique_id() { $this->unique_id = gethostbyname( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ); } /** * Conformance: The property MUST be specified once in an iCalendar object. * Description: The vendor of the implementation SHOULD assure that this * is a globally unique identifier; using some technique such as an FPI * value, as defined in [ISO 9070]. */ /** * set unique_id * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @param string @unique_id * @return void */ function setUnique_id( $unique_id ) { $this->unique_id = $unique_id; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: VERSION * * Description: A value of "2.0" corresponds to this memo. */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar property version * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createVersion( ) { if( !isset( $this->version )) $this->_makeVersion(); switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return ' version="'.$this->version.'"'.$this->nl; break; default: return 'VERSION:'.$this->version.$this->nl; break; } } /** * set default calendar version * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function _makeVersion() { $this->version = '2.0'; } /** * set calendar version * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @param string version * @return void */ function setVersion( $version ) { $this->version = $version; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: x-prop */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar property x-prop, iCal format only * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @return string */ function createXprop( ) { if( 'xcal' == $this->format ) return false; $cnt = count( $this->xprop ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $xprop = null; foreach( $this->xprop as $xpropPart ) { $attributes = $attributesLANG = null; foreach( $xpropPart['value'] as $label => $value ) if( isset( $xpropPart['params'] )) { foreach( $xpropPart['params'] as $paramKey => $paramValue) { if( is_int( $paramKey )) $attributes .= $this->attributeDelimiter.$paramValue; elseif( 'LANGUAGE' != $paramKey ) $attributes .= $this->attributeDelimiter."$paramKey=$paramValue"; else $attributesLANG = $this->attributeDelimiter."LANGUAGE=$paramValue"; } } if( $this->getLanguage() && !isset( $attributesLANG )) $attributesLANG = $this->attributeDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$this->getLanguage(); $xprop .= calendarComponent::_size75( strtoupper( $label ).$attributes.$attributesLANG.$this->valueInit.$value ); } return $xprop; } /** * set calendar property x-prop * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.58 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $label * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setXprop( $label, $value, $params=FALSE ) { $xprop['value'] = array( $label => $value); if( empty( $xprop['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $xprop['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->xprop[] = $xprop; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * get language for calendar as defined in [RFC 1766] * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.36 - 2006-09-14 * @return string */ function getLanguage( ) { if( !isset( $this->language )) return null; else return $this->language; } /** * set language for calendar as defined in [RFC 1766] * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.36 - 2006-09-14 * @param string $value language * @return void */ function setLanguage( $value ) { $this->language = $value; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * get format for calendar * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function getFormat( ) { if( !isset( $this->format )) return null; else return $this->format; } /** * set format for calendar * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param string $value format (default ical, opt xcal) * @return void */ function setFormat( $value ) { if( 'xcal' == strtolower( $value )) { $this->format = 'xcal'; $this->attributeDelimiter = $this->nl; $this->valueInit = null;; } else { $this->format = null; $this->attributeDelimiter = ';'; $this->valueInit = ':'; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * get character(-s) for newline / carriage return * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.1 - 2006-11-15 * @return string */ function getNewlineChar( ) { return $this->nl; } /** * set character(-s) for new line / carriage return * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.8 - 2006-09-10 * @param string $value * @return void */ function setNewlineChar( $value ) { $this->nl = $value; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * validDate * * convert input parameters to (valid) iCalcreator date in array format (or FALSE) * if $utc=TRUE and $tz = utc offset ([[+/]-]HHmm) input (local) date array + UTC offset * returns ouput in UTC format date * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param mixed $tz optional * @param bool $utc optional * @return bool false / array $date */ function validDate( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $utc=FALSE ) { $input = array(); if( is_int( $year ) && is_int( $month ) && is_int( $day )) { $input['year'] = $year; $input['month'] = $month; $input['day'] = $day; if(( $hour !== FALSE ) || ( $min !== FALSE ) || ( $sec !== FALSE )) { $parno = 6; if( $hour !== FALSE ) $input['hour'] = $hour; if( $min !== FALSE ) $input['min'] = $min; if( $sec !== FALSE ) $input['sec'] = $sec; } if( $tz !== FALSE ) { $parno = 7; $input['tz'] = $tz; } else $parno = 3; $input = calendarComponent::_date_time_array( $input, $parno ); } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $input = calendarComponent::_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 6 ); $input['tz'] = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? $year['tz'] : null; $utc = ( TRUE === $month ) ? TRUE : FALSE; } elseif( is_array( $year ) && ( in_array( count( $year ), array( 3, 4, 6, 7 )))) { if( isset( $year['tz'] ) || ( 4 == count( $year )) || ( 7 == count( $year ))) $parno = 7; elseif( isset( $year['hour'] ) || isset( $year['min'] ) || isset( $year['sec'] ) || ( 6 == count( $year ))) $parno = 6; else $parno = 3; $input = calendarComponent::_date_time_array( $year, $parno ); $utc = ( TRUE === $month ) ? TRUE : FALSE; } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $input = calendarComponent::_date_time_string( $year ); $utc = ( TRUE === $month ) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else return FALSE; if( !checkdate ( $input['month'], $input['day'], $input['year'] )) return FALSE; if( isset( $input['hour'] ) && (( 0 > $input['hour'] ) || ( 23 < $input['hour'] ))) return FALSE; if( isset( $input['min'] ) && (( 0 > $input['min'] ) || ( 59 < $input['min'] ))) return FALSE; if( isset( $input['sec'] ) && (( 0 > $input['sec'] ) || ( 59 < $input['sec'] ))) return FALSE; if( $utc && isset( $input['tz'] ) && ( '' < trim ( $input['tz'] ))) { $input['tz'] = trim( $input['tz'] ); if( 'Z' != $input['tz'] ) { $offset = 0; if(( 5 == strlen( $input['tz'] )) && ( '0000' <= substr( $input['tz'], -4 )) && ( '9999' >= substr( $input['tz'], -4 )) && (( '+' == substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 )) || ( '-' == substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 )))) { $hours2sec = substr( $input['tz'], 1, 2 ) * 3600; $min2sec = substr( $input['tz'], -2 ) * 60; $sign = substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 ); $offset = -1 * ($sign.'1' * ( $hours2sec + $min2sec )); } elseif(( 7 == strlen( $input['tz'] )) && ( '000000' <= substr( $input['tz'], -6 )) && ( '999999' >= substr( $input['tz'], -6 )) && (( '+' == substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 )) || ( '-' == substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 )))) { $hours2sec = substr( $input['tz'], 1, 2 ) * 3600; $min2sec = substr( $input['tz'], 3, 2 ) * 60; $sec = substr( $input['tz'], -2 ); $sign = substr( $input['tz'], 0, 1 ); $offset = -1 * ($sign.'1' * ( $hours2sec + $min2sec + $sec )); } if( 0 != $offset) { if( !isset( $input['hour'] )) $input['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $input['min'] )) $input['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $input['sec'] )) $input['sec'] = 0; $input = date('Y-m-d H:i:s\Z', mktime ( $input['hour'] , $input['min'] , $input['sec'] + $offset , $input['month'] , $input['day'] , $input['year'])); $input = calendarComponent::_date_time_string( $input, 7 ); } } } return $input; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * add calendar component to container * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.36 - 2006-09-20 * @param object $component calendar component * @return void */ function addComponent ( $component ) { $this->components[] = $component; } /** * append formatted output for calendar object instance to existing calendar file * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @return bool/array, FALSE if not found/not writeable input file */ function appendCalendar ( $directory=FALSE, $filename=FALSE, $delimiter='/' ) { if( 'xcal' == $this->format ) return false; $this->setFilename( $directory, $filename, $delimiter ); $dirfile = $this->directory.$this->delimiter.$this->filename; clearstatcache( ); if( !file_exists( $dirfile ) || !is_writable ( $dirfile )) return FALSE; $lines = file( $dirfile ); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { if( 0 == $line_num ) { unset( $lines[$line_num] ); continue; } if( 'VERSION' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 7 ))) { unset( $lines[$line_num] ); continue; } if( 'PRODID' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 6 ))) { unset( $lines[$line_num] ); continue; } if( 'CALSCALE' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 8 ))) { $line = str_replace( 'CALSCALE:', '', trim(strtoupper( $line ))); $this->setCalscale( $line ); unset( $lines[$line_num] ); continue; } if( 'METHOD' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 6 ))) { $line = str_replace( 'METHOD:', '', trim(strtoupper( $line ))); $this->setMethod( $line ); unset( $lines[$line_num] ); continue; } if( 'BEGIN:' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 6 ))) break; if( 'END:VCALENDAR' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 13 ))) { unset( $lines[$line_num] ); break; } } if( FALSE === ( $fp = fopen ( $dirfile, "w" ))) return FALSE; $content = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR'.$this->nl; $line_num = 0; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } $content = $this->createCalscale(); if( $content ) { $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } } $content = $this->createMethod(); if( $content ) { $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } } $content = $this->createProdid(); $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } $content = $this->createVersion(); $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } $content = $this->createXprop(); if( $content ) { $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$content'"; exit; } } foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { if( 'END:VCALENDAR' == strtoupper( substr( $line, 0, 13 ))) continue; $line_num++; if( !fwrite( $fp, $line )) { print "Cannot write (line $line_num) to file ( $dirfile ) and content '$line'"; exit; } } $content = null; foreach( $this->components as $component ) { if( !$component->getLanguage() ) $component->setLanguage( $this->getLanguage() ); if( !isset( $component->nl )) $component->nl = $this->nl; if( !isset( $component->unique_id )) $component->setUnique_id( $this->unique_id ); $content .= $component->createComponent( $this->xcaldecl ); } if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write new content to file ( $dirfile )"; exit; } $content = 'END:VCALENDAR'.$this->nl; if( !fwrite( $fp, $content )) { print "Cannot write last row to file ( $dirfile )"; exit; } fclose($fp); clearstatcache( ); $lines = file( $dirfile ); $filesize = filesize( $dirfile ); return array( $this->directory, $this->filename, $filesize ); } /** * creates formatted output for calendar object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.14 - 2007-01-08 * @return string */ function createCalendar( ) { $calendarInit1 = $calendarInit2 = $calendarxCaldecl = $calendarStart = $calendar = null; switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $calendarInit1 = ''.$this->nl. 'nl. '"http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-calsch-many-xcal-01.txt"'; $calendarInit2 = '>'.$this->nl; $calendarStart = 'nl; break; } $calendarStart .= $this->createCalscale(); $calendarStart .= $this->createMethod(); $calendarStart .= $this->createProdid(); $calendarStart .= $this->createVersion(); switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $nlstrlen = strlen( $this->nl ); if( $this->nl == substr( $calendarStart, ( 0 - $nlstrlen ))) $calendarStart = substr( $calendarStart, 0, ( strlen( $calendarStart ) - $nlstrlen )); $calendarStart .= '>'.$this->nl; break; default: break; } $calendar .= $this->createXprop(); foreach( $this->components as $component ) { if( !$component->getLanguage() ) $component->setLanguage( $this->getLanguage() ); if( !isset( $component->nl )) $component->nl = $this->nl; if( !isset( $component->unique_id )) $component->setUnique_id( $this->unique_id ); $component->format = $this->format; $calendar .= $component->createComponent( $this->xcaldecl ); } if(( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl )) && ( 'xcal' == $this->format )) { // xCal only $calendarInit1 .= $this->nl.'['.$this->nl; $old_xcaldecl = array(); foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $declix => $declPart ) { if(( in_array( $declPart['uri'], $old_xcaldecl['uri'] )) && ( in_array( $declPart['external'], $old_xcaldecl['external'] ))) continue; // no duplicate uri and ext. references $calendarxCaldecl .= ' $declValue ) { switch( $declKey ) { // index case 'xmldecl': // no 1 $calendarxCaldecl .= $declValue.' '; break; case 'uri': // no 2 $calendarxCaldecl .= $declValue.' '; $old_xcaldecl['uri'][] = $declValue; break; case 'ref': // no 3 $calendarxCaldecl .= $declValue.' '; break; case 'external': // no 4 $calendarxCaldecl .= '"'.$declValue.'" '; $old_xcaldecl['external'][] = $declValue; break; case 'type': // no 5 $calendarxCaldecl .= $declValue.' '; break; case 'type2': // no 6 $calendarxCaldecl .= $declValue; break; } } $calendarxCaldecl .= '>'.$this->nl; } $calendarInit2 = ']'.$calendarInit2; } switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $calendar .= ''.$this->nl; break; default: $calendar .= 'END:VCALENDAR'.$this->nl; break; } return $calendarInit1.$calendarxCaldecl.$calendarInit2.$calendarStart.$calendar; } /** * get filename * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.10 - 2006-09-11 * @return array * */ function getFilename() { if( !$this->filename ) $this->setFilename( $this->directory, $this->_makeFilename() ); $dirfile = $this->directory.$this->delimiter.$this->filename; $filesize = filesize( $dirfile ); return array( $this->directory, $this->filename, $filesize ); } /** * make filename * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return void * */ function _makeFilename() { if( 'xcal' == $this->format ) $this->filename = date( 'YmdHis' ).'.xml'; // recommended xcs.. . else $this->filename = date( 'YmdHis' ).'.ics'; } /** * redirect file to user * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.13 - 2007-01-03 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @return redirect */ function _redirectCalendar( $directory=FALSE, $filename=FALSE, $delimiter='/' ) { if( $directory || $filename ) $this->setFilename( $directory, $filename, $delimiter ); elseif( !$this->filename ) $this->setFilename(); $dirfile = $this->directory.$this->delimiter.$this->filename; if( 'xcal' == $this->format ) header( 'Content-Type: application/calendar+xml; charset=utf-8' ); else header( 'Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8' ); header( 'Content-Length: '.filesize( $dirfile )); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename( $dirfile ).'"' ); $fp = fopen( $dirfile, 'r' ); fpassthru( $fp ); fclose( $fp ); die(); } /** * a HTTP redirect header is sent with saved calendar * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.8.20 - 2006-11-03 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @return redirect */ function returnCalendar( $directory=FALSE, $filename=FALSE, $delimiter='/' ) { if( $this->saveCalendar ( $directory, $filename, $delimiter )) $this->_redirectCalendar ( $directory, $filename, $delimiter ); } /** * save content in a file * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.10 - 2006-09-11 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @return array */ function saveCalendar( $directory=FALSE, $filename=FALSE, $delimiter='/' ) { if( $directory || $filename ) $this->setFilename( $directory, $filename, $delimiter ); elseif( !$this->filename ) $this->setFilename(); $dirfile = $this->directory.$this->delimiter.$this->filename; $iCalFile = fopen( $dirfile, 'w+' ); if ( $iCalFile ) { fputs( $iCalFile, $this->createCalendar() ); fclose( $iCalFile ); $filesize = filesize( $dirfile ); return array( $this->directory, $this->filename, $filesize ); } else return FALSE; } /** * set filename * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.8.19 - 2006-11-03 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @return bool */ function setFilename( $directory=FALSE, $filename=FALSE, $delimiter='/' ) { if( !empty( $directory )) $this->directory = $directory; else $this->directory = '.'; $this->delimiter = $delimiter; if( $filename ) $this->filename = $filename; else $this->_makeFilename(); $dirfile = $this->directory.$this->delimiter.$this->filename; if( @touch( $dirfile )) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /** * if recent version of file exists (max one hour), an HTTP redirect header is sent * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.10 - 2006-09-11 * @param string $directory optional * @param string $filename optional * @param string $delimiter optional * @param int timeout optional, default 3600 * @return redirect */ function useCachedCalendar( $directory, $filename, $delimiter='/', $timeout=3600) { $dirfile = $directory.$delimiter.$filename; if(( file_exists( $dirfile )) && ( time() - filemtime( $dirfile ) < $timeout)) { $this->_redirectCalendar ( $directory, $filename, $delimiter ); } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * abstract class for calendar components * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 */ class calendarComponent { var $action; var $attach; var $attendee; var $categories; var $comment; var $completed; var $contact; var $class; var $created; var $description; var $dtend; var $dtstart; var $dtstamp; var $due; var $duration; var $exdate; var $exrule; var $freebusy; var $geo; var $lastmodified; var $location; var $organizer; var $percentcomplete; var $priority; var $rdate; var $recurrenceid; var $relatedto; var $repeat; var $requeststatus; var $resources; var $rrule; var $sequence; var $status; var $summary; var $transp; var $trigger; var $tzid; var $tzname; var $tzoffsetfrom; var $tzoffsetto; var $tzurl; var $uid; var $url; var $xprop; var $subcomponents; var $language; var $nl; var $unique_id; var $format; var $objName; var $componentStart1; var $componentStart2; var $componentEnd1; var $componentEnd2; var $elementStart1; var $elementStart2; var $elementEnd1; var $elementEnd2; var $intAttrDelimiter; var $attributeDelimiter; var $valueInit; var $xcaldecl; /** * constructor for calendar component object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.8.5 - 2006-10-06 */ function calendarComponent() { $this->objName = get_class ( $this ); $this->action = array(); $this->attach = array(); $this->attendee = array(); $this->categories = array(); $this->class = array(); $this->comment = array(); $this->completed = array(); $this->contact = array(); $this->created = array(); $this->description = array(); $this->dtend = array(); $this->dtstart = array(); $this->dtstamp = array(); $this->due = array(); $this->duration = array(); $this->exdate = array(); $this->exrule = array(); $this->freebusy = array(); $this->geo = array(); $this->lastmodified = array(); $this->location = array(); $this->organizer = array(); $this->percentcomplete = array(); $this->priority = array(); $this->rdate = array(); $this->recurrenceid = array(); $this->relatedto = array(); $this->repeat = array(); $this->requeststatus = array(); $this->resources = array(); $this->sequence = array(); $this->rrule = array(); $this->status = array(); $this->summary = array(); $this->transp = array(); $this->trigger = array(); $this->tzid = array(); $this->tzname = array(); $this->tzoffsetfrom = array(); $this->tzoffsetto = array(); $this->tzurl = array(); $this->uid = array(); $this->url = array(); $this->xprop = array(); $this->subcomponents = array(); $this->language = null; $this->nl = null; $this->unique_id = null; $this->xcaldecl = array(); $this->_makeDtstamp(); } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: ACTION */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property action * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createAction( ) { if( !isset( $this->action['action'] )) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->action['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->action['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'ACTION', $attributes, $this->action['action'] ); } /** * set calendar component property action * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.2 - 2006-11-16 * @param string $value "AUDIO" / "DISPLAY" / "EMAIL" / "PROCEDURE" * @param mixed $xparam * @return void */ function setAction( $value, $xparam=FALSE ) { $this->action['action'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparam )) { foreach( $xparam as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->action['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: ATTACH */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property attach * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createAttach( ) { $cnt = count( $this->attach ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->attach as $attachPart ) { $attributes = ( isset( $attachPart['params'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $attachPart['params'] ) : null; $output .= $this->_createElement( 'ATTACH', $attributes, $attachPart['value'] ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property attach * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.6 - 2006-09-11 * @param string $value * @param string $params * @return void */ function setAttach( $value, $params=FALSE) { $attach = array(); $attach['value'] = $value ; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $attach['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->attach[] = $attach; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: ATTENDEE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property attendee * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createAttendee( ) { $cnt = count( $this->attendee ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attendees = null; foreach( $this->attendee as $attendeePart ) { // start foreach 1 $attendee1 = $attendee2 = $attendeeLANG = $attendeeCN = null; $attendeeCUTYPE = $attendeeROLE = $attendeePARTSTAT = $attendeeRSVP = FALSE; foreach( $attendeePart as $paramlabel => $paramvalue ) { // start foreach 2 if( 'value' == $paramlabel ) { $attendee2 .= 'MAILTO:'.$paramvalue; } elseif(( 'optparam' == $paramlabel ) && ( is_array( $paramvalue ))) { // start elseif foreach( $paramvalue as $optparam ) { // start foreach 3 foreach( $optparam as $optparamlabel => $optparamvalue ) { // start foreach 4 $attendee11 = $attendee12 = null; // echo "$optparamlabel => $optparamvalue
\n"; // test if( is_int( $optparamlabel )) { $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.$optparamvalue; continue; } switch( $optparamlabel ) { // start switch case 'CUTYPE': $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'CUTYPE='.'"'.$optparamvalue.'"'; $attendeeCUTYPE = TRUE; break; case 'PARTSTAT': $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'PARTSTAT='.'"'.$optparamvalue.'"'; $attendeePARTSTAT = TRUE; break; case 'ROLE': $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'ROLE='.'"'.$optparamvalue.'"'; $attendeeROLE = TRUE; break; case 'RSVP': $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RSVP='.'"'.$optparamvalue.'"'; $attendeeRSVP = TRUE; break; case 'SENT-BY': $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'SENT-BY='.'"'.$optparamvalue.'"'; break; case 'MEMBER': $attendee11 = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'MEMBER='; case 'DELEGATED-TO': $attendee11 = ( !$attendee11 ) ? $this->intAttrDelimiter.'DELEGATED-TO=' : $attendee11; case 'DELEGATED-FROM': { $attendee11 = ( !$attendee11 ) ? $this->intAttrDelimiter.'DELEGATED-FROM=' : $attendee11; foreach( $optparamvalue as $cix => $calUserAddress ) { $attendee12 .= ( $cix ) ? ',' : null; $attendee12 .= '"MAILTO:'.$calUserAddress.'"'; } $attendee1 .= $attendee11.$attendee12; break; } case 'CN': { $attendeeCN .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'CN="'.$optparamvalue.'"'; break; } case 'DIR': { $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'DIR="'.$optparamvalue.'"'; break; } case 'LANGUAGE': { $attendeeLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$optparamvalue; break; } default: { $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter."$optparamlabel=$optparamvalue"; break; } } // end switch } // end foreach 4 } // end foreach 3 } // end elseif } // end foreach 2 if( !$attendeeCUTYPE ) $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL'; if( !$attendeePARTSTAT ) $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION'; if( !$attendeeROLE ) $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT'; if( !$attendeeRSVP ) $attendee1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RSVP=FALSE'; if( isset( $attendeeCN )) { if( !isset( $attendeeLANG ) && $this->getLanguage() ) $attendeeLANG = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$this->getLanguage(); } else $attendeeLANG = null; $attendees .= $this->_createElement( 'ATTENDEE', $attendee1.$attendeeLANG.$attendeeCN, $attendee2 ); } // end foreach 1 return $attendees; } /** * set calendar component property attach * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.14 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value * @param array $optparam optional * @return void */ function setAttendee( $value, $optparam=FALSE ) { $attendee = array( 'value' => $value ); if( is_array($optparam )) { foreach( $optparam as $optparamlabel => $optparamvalue ) $attendee['optparam'][] = array( strtoupper( $optparamlabel ) => $optparamvalue ); } $this->attendee[] = $attendee; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: CATEGORIES */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property categories * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createCategories( ) { $cnt = count( $this->categories ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->categories['param'] )) ? $this->categories['param'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = null; foreach( $this->categories['value'] as $catix => $catValue ) { if( 0 < $catix ) $content .= ','; $content .= $catValue; } while( 0 < ( substr_count($content, ', ') + substr_count($content, ', '))) { $content = str_replace( ', ', ',', $content ); $content = str_replace( ' ,', ',', $content ); } return $this->_createElement( 'CATEGORIES', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property categories * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.15 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setCategories( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->categories['value'][] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->categories['param'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: CLASS */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property class * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createClass( ) { $cnt = count( $this->class ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->class['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->class['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'CLASS', $attributes, $this->class['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property class * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.16 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value "PUBLIC" / "PRIVATE" / "CONFIDENTIAL" / iana-token / x-name * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setClass( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->class['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->class['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: COMMENT */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property comment * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createComment( ) { $cnt = count( $this->comment ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $comment = null; foreach( $this->comment as $commentPart ) { $params = ( isset( $commentPart['params'] )) ? $commentPart['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = $this->_strrep( $commentPart['value'] ); $comment .= $this->_createElement( 'COMMENT', $attributes, $content ); } return $comment; } /** * set calendar component property comment * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.17 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setComment( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $comment['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $comment['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->comment[] = $comment; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: COMPLETED */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property completed * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createCompleted( ) { if( !isset( $this->completed['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->completed['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->completed['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->completed['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->completed['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->completed['value']['sec'] )) return; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->completed['value'], 7 ); $attributes = ( isset( $this->completed['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->completed['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'COMPLETED', $attributes, $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property completed * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $xparam optional * @return void */ function setCompleted( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $xparam=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && (( 6 == count( $year )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $year )))) { $this->completed['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->completed['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $this->completed['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 6 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->completed['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->completed['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->completed['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->completed['value'] = array('year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec); if( is_array( $xparam )) { foreach( $xparam as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->completed['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } if( !isset( $this->completed['value']['hour'] )) $this->completed['value']['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $this->completed['value']['min'] )) $this->completed['value']['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $this->completed['value']['sec'] )) $this->completed['value']['sec'] = 0; $this->completed['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: CONTACT */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property contact * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createContact( ) { $cnt = count( $this->contact ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->contact['params'] )) ? $this->contact['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = $this->_strrep( $this->contact['value'] ); return $this->_createElement( 'CONTACT', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property contact * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.19 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setContact( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->contact['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->contact['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: CREATED */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property created * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createCreated( ) { if( !isset( $this->created['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->created['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->created['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->created['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->created['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->created['value']['sec'] )) return; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->created['value'], 7 ); $attributes = ( isset( $this->created['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->created['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'CREATED', $attributes, $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property created * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param mixed $xparams optional * @return void */ function setCreated( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && (( 6 == count( $year )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $year )))) { $this->created['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->created['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $this->created['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 6 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->created['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->created['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->created['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->created['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec ); if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->created['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } if( !isset( $this->created['value']['hour'] )) $this->created['value']['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $this->created['value']['min'] )) $this->created['value']['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $this->created['value']['sec'] )) $this->created['value']['sec'] = 0; $this->created['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DESCRIPTION */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property description * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createDescription( ) { $cnt = count( $this->description ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $descriptions = null; foreach( $this->description as $description ) { $params = ( isset( $description['params'] )) ? $description['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = $this->_strrep( $description['value'] ); $descriptions .= $this->_createElement( 'DESCRIPTION', $attributes, $content ); } return $descriptions; } /** * set calendar component property description * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.21 - 2006-09-12 * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setDescription( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $description['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $description['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->description[] = $description; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DTEND */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property dtend * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createDtend( ) { if( !isset( $this->dtend['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->dtend['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->dtend['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->dtend['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->dtend['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->dtend['value']['sec'] )) return; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->dtend['value'] ); $formatted[3] = ( isset( $formatted[2] )) ? $formatted[2] : $formatted[1]; $attributes = ( isset( $this->dtend['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->dtend['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'DTEND', $attributes.$formatted[3], $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property dtend * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param string $tz optional * @param array xparams optional * @return void */ function setDtend( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && ( in_array( count( $year ), array( 3, 4, 6, 7 )))) { $parno = count( $year ); $this->dtend['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtend['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $tz = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? ' '.$year['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $this->dtend['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtend['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->dtend['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtend['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->dtend['value'] = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day ); if ( $hour || $min || $sec || $tz ) { $this->dtend['value']['hour'] = $hour; $this->dtend['value']['min'] = $min; $this->dtend['value']['sec'] = $sec; $this->dtend['value']['tz'] = $tz; } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtend['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DTSTAMP */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property dtstamp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createDtstamp( ) { if( !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstamp['value']['sec'] )) $this->_makeDtstamp(); $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->dtstamp['value'], 7 ); $attributes = ( isset( $this->dtstamp['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->dtstamp['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'DTSTAMP', $attributes, $formatted[0] ); } /** * computes datestamp for calendar component object instance dtstamp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.8.11 - 2006-10-08 * @return void */ function _makeDtstamp() { $offset = date( 'Z'); // offset in seconds if( '-' == substr( $offset, 0, 1 )) { $offset = substr( $offset, 1 ); $sign = '-'; } else { $sign = '+'; } $offsetHour = $offset / 3600; $offsetMod = $offset % 3600; $offsetMin = $offsetMod / 60; $offsetSec = $offsetMod % 60; $offset = sprintf( $sign."%02d%02d%02d", $offsetHour, $offsetMin, $offsetSec ); $this->dtstamp['value'] = array( 'year' => date( 'Y' ) , 'month' => date( 'm' ) , 'day' => date( 'd' ) , 'hour' => date( 'H' ) , 'min' => date( 'i' ) , 'sec' => date( 's' ) , 'tz' => $offset ); } /** * set calendar component property dtstamp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setDtstamp( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && ( array_key_exists( 'year', $year ))) { $this->dtstamp['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstamp['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $this->dtstamp['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstamp['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->dtstamp['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year, 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstamp['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->dtstamp['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec ); if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstamp['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } $this->dtstamp['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DTSTART */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property dtstart * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param bool $localtime optional, default FALSE * @return string */ function createDtstart( $localtime=FALSE ) { if( !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->dtstart['value']['sec'] )) return; if( $localtime ) unset( $this->dtstart['value']['tz'] ); $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->dtstart['value'] ); $formatted[3] = ( isset( $formatted[2] )) ? $formatted[2] : $formatted[1]; $attributes = ( isset( $this->dtstart['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->dtstart['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'DTSTART', $attributes.$formatted[3], $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property dtstart * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param string $tz optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setDtstart( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && ( in_array( count( $year ), array( 3, 4, 6, 7 )))) { $parno = count( $year ); $this->dtstart['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstart['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $tz = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? ' '.$year['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $this->dtstart['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstart['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->dtstart['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstart['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->dtstart['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day ); if ( $hour || $min || $sec ) { $this->dtstart['value']['hour'] = $hour; $this->dtstart['value']['min'] = $min; $this->dtstart['value']['sec'] = $sec; $this->dtstart['value']['tz'] = $tz; } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->dtstart['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DUE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property due * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createDue( ) { if( !isset( $this->due['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->due['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->due['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->due['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->due['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->due['value']['sec'] )) return; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->due['value'] ); $formatted[3] = ( isset( $formatted[2] )) ? $formatted[2] : $formatted[1]; $attributes = ( isset( $this->due['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->due['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'DUE', $attributes.$formatted[3], $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property due * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setDue( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && ( in_array( count( $year ), array( 3, 4, 6, 7 )))) { $parno = count( $year ); $this->due['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->due['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $tz = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? ' '.$year['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $this->due['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->due['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->due['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->due['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->due['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day ); if ( $hour || $min || $sec ) { $this->due['value']['hour'] = $hour; $this->due['value']['min'] = $min; $this->due['value']['sec'] = $sec; $this->due['value']['tz'] = $tz; } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->due['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: DURATION */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property duration * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createDuration( ) { if( !isset( $this->duration['value']['week'] ) && !isset( $this->duration['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->duration['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->duration['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->duration['value']['sec'] )) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->duration['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->duration['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'DURATION', $attributes, $this->_format_duration( $this->duration['value'] )); } /** * set calendar component property duration * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.26 - 2006-09-13 * @param mixed $week * @param mixed $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setDuration( $week=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $week )) { $this->duration['value'] = $this->_duration_array( $week ); if( is_array( $day )) { foreach( $day as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->duration['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->duration['value'] = $this->_duration_array( array( $week, $day, $hour, $min, $sec )); if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->duration['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: EXDATE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property exdate * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createExdate( ) { $cnt = count( $this->exdate ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->exdate as $theExdate ) { $cnt = count( $theExdate ); $content = null; $attributes = ( isset( $theExdate['params'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $theExdate['params'] ) : null; $eno = 0; foreach( $theExdate['value'] as $exdatePart ) { $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $exdatePart ); if( 0 == $eno ) $attributes .= ( isset( $formatted[2] )) ? $formatted[2] : $formatted[1]; else $content .= ','; $content .= $formatted[0]; $eno++; } $output .= $this->_createElement( 'EXDATE', $attributes, $content ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property exdate * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param array exdates * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setExdate( $exdates, $params=FALSE ) { $exdate = array(); $parno = null; foreach( $exdates as $theExdate ) { if( is_array( $theExdate ) && (( 3 == count( $theExdate )) || ( 6 == count( $theExdate )) || ( 7 == count( $theExdate )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $theExdate )))) { if( 6 == count( $theExdate )) $parno = 7; $exdatea = $this->_date_time_array( $theExdate, $parno ); } elseif( is_array( $theExdate ) && isset( $theExdate['timestamp'] )) { $tz = ( isset( $theExdate['tz'] )) ? ' '.$theExdate['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $exdatea = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $theExdate['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $theExdate ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $exdatea = $this->_date_time_string( $theExdate, $parno ); } if( !$parno ) { $parno = count( $exdatea ); if( 6 == $parno ) $parno = 7; } $exdate['value'][] = $exdatea; } if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $exdate['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } if( 0 < count( $exdate['value'] )) $this->exdate[] = $exdate; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: EXRULE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property exrule * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.28 - 2006-09-13 * @return string */ function createExrule( ) { $cnt = count( $this->exrule ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $exrule = 'EXRULE'; return $this->_format_recur( $exrule, $this->exrule ); } /** * set calendar component property exdate * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param array $exruleset * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setExrule( $exruleset, $xparams=FALSE ) { $exrule = array(); foreach( $exruleset as $exrulelabel => $exrulevalue ) { $exrulelabel = strtoupper( $exrulelabel ); if( 'UNTIL' != $exrulelabel ) $exrule['value'][$exrulelabel] = $exrulevalue; elseif( is_array( $exrulevalue ) && (( 3 == count( $exrulevalue )) || ( 6 == count( $exrulevalue )) || ( 7 == count( $exrulevalue )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $exrulevalue )))) { $parno = ( 3 < count( $exrulevalue )) ? 7 : 3 ; $date = $this->_date_time_array( $exrulevalue, $parno ); if(( 3 < count( $date )) && !isset( $date['tz'] )) $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $exrule['value'][$exrulelabel] = $date; } elseif( is_array( $exrulevalue ) && isset( $exrulevalue['timestamp'] )) { $date = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $exrulevalue['timestamp'] ), 6 ); $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $exrule['value'][$exrulelabel] = $date; } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $exrulevalue ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $date = $this->_date_time_string( $exrulevalue ); if(( 3 < count( $date )) && !isset( $date['tz'] )) $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $exrule['value'][$exrulelabel] = $date; } } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $exrule['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } $this->exrule[] = $exrule; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: FREEBUSY */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property freebusy * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createFreebusy( ) { $cnt = count( $this->freebusy ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->freebusy as $freebusyPart ) { $attributes = $content = null; if( isset( $freebusyPart['fbtype'] )) { $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'FBTYPE='.$freebusyPart['fbtype']; } else $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'FBTYPE=BUSY'; if( isset( $freebusyPart['xparams'] )) $attributes .= $this->_createParams( $freebusyPart['xparams'] ); $fno = 1; $cnt = count( $freebusyPart['value']); foreach( $freebusyPart['value'] as $periodix => $freebusyPeriod ) { $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $freebusyPeriod[0] ); $content .= $formatted[0]; $content .= '/'; $cnt2 = count( $freebusyPeriod[1]); if( array_key_exists( 'year', $freebusyPeriod[1] )) // date-time $cnt2 = 7; elseif( array_key_exists( 'week', $freebusyPeriod[1] )) // duration $cnt2 = 5; if(( 7 == $cnt2 ) && // period= -> date-time isset( $freebusyPeriod[1]['year'] ) && isset( $freebusyPeriod[1]['month'] ) && isset( $freebusyPeriod[1]['day'] )) { $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $freebusyPeriod[1] ); $content .= $formatted[0]; } else { // period= -> dur-time $content .= $this->_format_duration( $freebusyPeriod[1] ); } if( $fno < $cnt ) $content .= ','; $fno++; } $output .= $this->_createElement( 'FREEBUSY', $attributes, $content ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property freebusy * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param string $fbType * @param array $fbValues * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setFreebusy( $fbType, $fbValues, $xparams=FALSE ) { $freebusy = array( 'fbtype' => strtoupper( $fbType ) ); foreach( $fbValues as $fbPeriod ) { // periods => period $freebusyPeriod = array(); foreach( $fbPeriod as $fbMember ) { // pairs => singlepart $freebusyPairMember = array(); if( is_array( $fbMember )) { $cnt = count( $fbMember ); if(( 6 == $cnt ) || ( 7 == $cnt ) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $fbMember ))) { // date-time value $date = $this->_date_time_array( $fbMember, 7 ); $date['tz'] = ( !isset( $date['tz'] )) ? 'Z' : $date['tz']; $freebusyPairMember = $date; } elseif( array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $fbMember )) { // timestamp value $tz = ( isset( $fbMember['tz'] )) ? ' '.$fbMember['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $date = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $fbMember['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); $date['tz'] = ( !isset( $date['tz'] )) ? 'Z' : $date['tz']; $freebusyPairMember = $date; } else { // duration $freebusyPairMember = $this->_duration_array( $fbMember ); } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $fbMember ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $date = $this->_date_time_string( $fbMember, 7 ); $date['tz'] = ( !isset( $date['tz'] )) ? 'Z' : $date['tz']; $freebusyPairMember = $date; } $freebusyPeriod[] = $freebusyPairMember; } $freebusy['value'][] = $freebusyPeriod; } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $freebusy['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } $this->freebusy[] = $freebusy; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: GEO */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property geo * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createGeo( ) { $cnt = count( $this->geo ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->geo['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->geo['xparams'] ) : null; $content = null; $content .= number_format( (float) $this->geo['latitude'], 5, '.', ''); $content .= ';'; $content .= number_format( (float) $this->geo['longitude'], 5, '.', ''); return $this->_createElement( 'GEO', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property geo * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.30 - 2006-09-13 * @param float $latitude * @param float $longitude * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setGeo( $latitude, $longitude, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->geo['latitude'] = $latitude; $this->geo['longitude'] = $longitude; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->geo['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: LAST-MODIFIED */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property last-modified * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createLastModified( ) { if( !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['month'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['day'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['hour'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['min'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['sec'] )) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->lastmodified['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->lastmodified['xparams'] ) : null; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->lastmodified['value'], 7 ); return $this->_createElement( 'LAST-MODIFIED', $attributes, $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property completed * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setLastModified( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && (( 6 == count( $year )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $year )))) { $this->lastmodified['value'] = $this->_date_time_array( $year, 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->lastmodified['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( is_array( $year ) && isset( $year['timestamp'] )) { $this->lastmodified['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 6 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->lastmodified['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $this->lastmodified['value'] = $this->_date_time_string( $year, 7 ); if( is_array( $month )) { foreach( $month as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->lastmodified['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } else { $this->lastmodified['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec , 'tz' => 'Z'); if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->lastmodified['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } if( isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['year'] ) && !isset( $this->lastmodified['value']['tz'] )) $this->lastmodified['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: LOCATION */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property location * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createLocation( ) { $cnt = count( $this->location ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->location['params'] )) ? $this->location['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = $this->_strrep( $this->location['value'] ); return $this->_createElement( 'LOCATION', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property location ' * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.32 - 2006-09-13 * @param string $value * @param array params optional * @return void */ function setLocation( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->location['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->location['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: ORGANIZER */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property organizer * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createOrganizer( ) { $cnt = count( $this->organizer ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->organizer['params'] )) ? $this->organizer['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'CN', 'DIR', 'LANGUAGE', 'SENT-BY' )); $content = 'MAILTO:'.$this->organizer['value']; return $this->_createElement( 'ORGANIZER', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property organizer * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.33 - 2006-09-13 * @param string $value * @param array params optional * @return void */ function setOrganizer( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->organizer['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->organizer['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: PERCENT-COMPLETE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property percent-complete * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createPercentComplete( ) { $cnt = count( $this->percentcomplete ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->percentcomplete['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->percentcomplete['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'PERCENT-COMPLETE', $attributes, $this->percentcomplete['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property percent-complete * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.34 - 2006-09-14 * @param int $value * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setPercentComplete( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->percentcomplete['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->percentcomplete['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: PRIORITY */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property priority * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createPriority( ) { $cnt = count( $this->priority ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->priority['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->priority['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'PRIORITY', $attributes, $this->priority['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property priority * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.35 - 2006-09-14 * @param int $value * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setPriority( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->priority['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->priority['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: RDATE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property rdate * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param bool $localtime optional, default FALSE * @return string */ function createRdate( $localtime=FALSE ) { $cnt = count( $this->rdate ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->rdate as $theRdate ) { $attributes = null; if( isset( $theRdate['xparams'] )) $attributes .= $this->_createParams( $theRdate['xparams'] ); $cnt = count( $theRdate['value'] ); $content = null; $rno = 1; foreach( $theRdate['value'] as $rdatePart ) { $contentPart = null; if( is_array( $rdatePart ) && ( 2 == count( $rdatePart )) && array_key_exists( '0', $rdatePart ) && array_key_exists( '1', $rdatePart )) { // PERIOD if( $localtime ) unset( $rdatePart[0]['tz'] ); $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $rdatePart[0]); $contentPart .= $formatted[0]; if( 1 == $rno ) { if( !$localtime && !empty( $formatted[2] )) $attributes .= $formatted[2]; $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'VALUE=PERIOD'; } $contentPart .= '/'; $cnt2 = count( $rdatePart[1]); if( array_key_exists( 'year', $rdatePart[1] )) { if( array_key_exists( 'hour', $rdatePart[1] )) $cnt2 = 7; // date-time else $cnt2 = 3; // date } elseif( array_key_exists( 'week', $rdatePart[1] )) // duration $cnt2 = 5; if(( 7 == $cnt2 ) && // period= -> date-time isset( $rdatePart[1]['year'] ) && isset( $rdatePart[1]['month'] ) && isset( $rdatePart[1]['day'] )) { if( $localtime ) unset( $rdatePart[1]['tz'] ); $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $rdatePart[1] ); $contentPart .= $formatted[0]; } else { // period= -> dur-time $contentPart .= $this->_format_duration( $rdatePart[1] ); } } else { if( $localtime ) unset( $rdatePart['tz'] ); $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $rdatePart); if( 1 == $rno ) { if( !$localtime && !empty( $formatted[2] )) $attributes .= $formatted[2]; $attributes .= $formatted[1]; } $contentPart .= $formatted[0]; } $content .= $contentPart; if( $rno < $cnt ) $content .= ','; $rno++; } $output .= $this->_createElement( 'RDATE', $attributes, $content ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property rdate * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param array $rdates * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setRdate( $rdates, $xparams=FALSE ) { $input = array(); $parno = null; foreach( $rdates as $theRdate ) { // echo 'setRdate in '; print_r ( $theRdate ); echo "
\n"; // test ## $inputa = null; if( is_array( $theRdate )) { if(( 2 == count( $theRdate )) && array_key_exists( '0', $theRdate ) && array_key_exists( '1', $theRdate ) && !array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $theRdate )) { // PERIOD foreach( $theRdate as $rix => $rPeriod ) { // echo 'setRdate i2 '; print_r ( $rPeriod ); echo "
\n"; // test ## if( is_array( $rPeriod )) { if (( 1 == count( $rPeriod )) && ( 8 <= strlen( trim( $rPeriod[0] )))) { // text-date $inputab = $this->_date_time_string( $rPeriod[0], $parno ); $parno = ( !$parno ) ? count( $inputab ) : $parno; if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputab['tz'] )) $inputab['tz'] = 'Z'; $inputa[] = $inputab; } elseif (((3 == count( $rPeriod )) && ( $rix < 1 )) || ( 6 == count( $rPeriod )) || ( 7 == count( $rPeriod )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $rPeriod ))) { // date[-time] (only 1st rperiod) if( !isset( $parno ) && 3 < count( $rPeriod )) $parno = 7; // else // $parno = 3; $inputab = $this->_date_time_array( $rPeriod, $parno ); $parno = ( !$parno ) ? count( $inputab ) : $parno; if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputab['tz'] )) $inputab['tz'] = 'Z'; $inputa[] = $inputab; } elseif( isset( $rPeriod['timestamp'] )) { // timestamp $tz = ( isset( $rPeriod['tz'] )) ? ' '.$rPeriod['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !isset( $parno ) && !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $inputab = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $rPeriod['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputab['tz'] )) $inputab['tz'] = 'Z'; $inputa[] = $inputab; } else { // duration $inputa[] = $this->_duration_array( $rPeriod ); } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $rPeriod ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $inputab = $this->_date_time_string( $rPeriod, $parno ); $inputa[] = $inputab; $parno = ( !$parno ) ? count( $inputab ) : $parno; } } } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $theRdate )) { // timestamp $tz = ( isset( $theRdate['tz'] )) ? ' '.$theRdate['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !isset( $parno ) && !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $inputab = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $theRdate['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputab['tz'] )) $inputab['tz'] = 'Z'; $inputa = $inputab; } elseif (( 3 == count( $theRdate )) || ( 6 == count( $theRdate )) || ( 7 == count( $theRdate )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $theRdate ))) { // date[-time] if( !isset( $parno ) && 3 < count( $theRdate )) $parno = ( isset( $theRdate['tz'] )) ? 7 : count( $theRdate ); elseif( !isset( $parno )) $parno = 3; $inputa = $this->_date_time_array( $theRdate, $parno ); if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputa['tz'] )) $inputa['tz'] = 'Z'; } } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $theRdate ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $inputa = $this->_date_time_string( $theRdate, $parno ); $parno = ( !$parno ) ? count( $inputa ) : $parno; if(( 7 == $parno ) && !isset( $inputa['tz'] )) $inputa['tz'] = 'Z'; } $input['value'][] = $inputa; } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $input['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } if( 0 < count( $input['value'] )) $this->rdate[] = $input; // echo 'setRdate ut '; print_r ( $this->rdate ); echo "
\n"; // test ## } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: RECURRENCE-ID */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property recurrence-id * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createRecurrenceid( ) { $cnt = count( $this->recurrenceid ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->recurrenceid['date'] ); $attributes = ( isset( $this->recurrenceid['params'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->recurrenceid['params'] ) : null; $attributes .= ( isset( $formatted[2] )) ? $formatted[2] : null; $attributes .= $formatted[1]; return $this->_createElement( 'RECURRENCE-ID', $attributes, $formatted[0] ); } /** * set calendar component property recurrence-id * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param array $date * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setRecurrenceid( $date, $params=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $date ) && !array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $date )) { // date[-time] $this->recurrenceid['date'] = $this->_date_time_array( $date ); } elseif( is_array( $date ) && array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $date )) { // timestamp $tz = ( isset( $date['tz'] )) ? ' '.$date['tz'] : null; $parno = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $this->recurrenceid['date'] = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date['timestamp'] ).$tz, $parno ); } else { // date in a string $this->recurrenceid['date'] = $this->_date_time_string( $date ); } if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->recurrenceid['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: RELATED-TO */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property related-to * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createRelatedTo( ) { $cnt = count( $this->relatedto ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output =null; foreach( $this->relatedto as $relation ) { $attributes = ( isset( $relation['params'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $relation['params'] ) : null; $content = '<'.$relation['relid'].'>'; $output .= $this->_createElement( 'RELATED-TO', $attributes, $content ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property related-to * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.39 - 2006-09-14 * @param float $relid * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setRelatedTo( $relid, $params=FALSE ) { $relation = array(); $relation['relid'] = $relid; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $relation['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->relatedto[] = $relation; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: REPEAT */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property repeat * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createRepeat( ) { $cnt = count( $this->repeat ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->repeat['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->repeat['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'REPEAT', $attributes, $this->repeat['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property transp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.5 - 2006-11-16 * @param string $value * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setRepeat( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->repeat['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->repeat['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: REQUEST-STATUS */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property request-status * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createRequestStatus( ) { $cnt = count( $this->requeststatus ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->requeststatus as $rstat ) { $params = ( isset( $rstat['param'] )) ? $rstat['param'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = number_format( (float) $rstat['statcode'], 2, '.', ''); $content .= ';'.$this->_strrep( $rstat['text'] ); if( isset( $rstat['extdata'] )) $content .= ';'.$this->_strrep( $rstat['extdata'] ); $output .= $this->_createElement( 'REQUEST-STATUS', $attributes, $content ); } return $output; } /** * set calendar component property request-status * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.41 - 2006-09-14 * @param float $statcode * @param string $text * @param string $extdata optional * @param array params optional * @return void */ function setRequestStatus( $statcode, $text, $extdata=FALSE, $params=FALSE ) { $input = array(); $input['statcode'] = $statcode; $input['text'] = $text; if( $extdata ) $input['extdata'] = $extdata; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $input['param'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->requeststatus[] = $input; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: RESOURCES */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property resources * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createResources( ) { $cnt = count( $this->resources ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $output = null; foreach( $this->resources as $resource ) { $params = ( isset( $resource['params'] )) ? $resource['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $rno = 1; $cnt = count( $resource['part'] ); $content = null; foreach( $resource['part'] as $resourcePart ) { $content .= $resourcePart; if( $rno < $cnt ) $content .= ','; $rno++; } while( 0 < ( substr_count($content, ', ') + substr_count($content, ', '))) { $content = str_replace( ', ', ',', $content ); $content = str_replace( ' ,', ',', $content ); } $output .= $this->_createElement( 'RESOURCES', $attributes, $content ); } return ( $output ); } /** * set calendar component property recources * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.42 - 2006-09-14 * @param string $value * @param array params optional * @return void */ function setResources( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $input = array(); if( is_array( $value )) { foreach( $value as $valuePart ) $input['part'][] = $valuePart; } else $input['part'][] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $input['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->resources[] = $input; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: RRULE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property rrule * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.43 - 2006-09-15 * @return string */ function createRrule( ) { $cnt = count( $this->rrule ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; return $this->_format_recur( 'RRULE', $this->rrule ); } /** * set calendar component property rrule * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param array $rruleset * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setRrule( $rruleset, $xparams=FALSE ) { $exrule = array(); foreach( $rruleset as $rrulelabel => $rrulevalue ) { $rrulelabel = strtoupper( $rrulelabel ); if( 'UNTIL' != $rrulelabel ) $rrule['value'][$rrulelabel] = $rrulevalue; elseif( is_array( $rrulevalue ) && (( 3 == count( $rrulevalue )) || ( 6 == count( $rrulevalue )) || ( 7 == count( $rrulevalue )) || ( array_key_exists( 'year', $rrulevalue )))) { $parno = ( 3 < count( $rrulevalue )) ? 7 : 3 ; // datetime / date $date = $this->_date_time_array( $rrulevalue, $parno ); if(( 3 < count( $date )) && !isset( $date['tz'] )) $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $rrule['value'][$rrulelabel] = $date; } elseif( is_array( $rrulevalue ) && isset( $rrulevalue['timestamp'] )) { $date = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $rrulevalue['timestamp'] ), 6 ); $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $rrule['value'][$rrulelabel] = $date; } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $rrulevalue ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $date = $this->_date_time_string( $rrulevalue ); if(( 3 < count( $date )) && !isset( $date['tz'] )) $date['tz'] = 'Z'; $rrule['value'][$rrulelabel] = $date; } } if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $rrule['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } $this->rrule[] = $rrule; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: SEQUENCE */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property sequence * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createSequence( ) { $cnt = count( $this->sequence ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->sequence['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->sequence['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'SEQUENCE', $attributes, $this->sequence['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property sequence * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.44 - 2006-09-15 * @param int $value * @param array $xparams * @return void */ function setSequence( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->sequence['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->sequence['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: STATUS */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property status * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createStatus( ) { $cnt = count( $this->status ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->status['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->status['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'STATUS', $attributes, $this->status['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property status * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.45 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setStatus( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->status['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->status['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: SUMMARY */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property summary * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createSummary( ) { $cnt = count( $this->summary ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->summary['params'] )) ? $this->summary['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'ALTREP', 'LANGUAGE' )); $content = $this->_strrep( $this->summary['value'] ); return $this->_createElement( 'SUMMARY', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property summary * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.46 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $params optional * @return void */ function setSummary( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->summary['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->summary['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TRANSP */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property transp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTransp( ) { $cnt = count( $this->transp ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->transp['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->transp['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'TRANSP', $attributes, $this->transp['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property transp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.47 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTransp( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->transp['value'] = $value; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->transp['xparams'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TRIGGER */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property trigger * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTrigger( ) { $cnt = count( $this->trigger ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $content = null; $attributes = ( isset( $this->trigger['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->trigger['xparams'] ) : null; if( isset( $this->trigger['value']['year'] ) && isset( $this->trigger['value']['month'] ) && isset( $this->trigger['value']['day'] )) { $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $this->trigger['value'] ); $attributes .= $formatted[1]; $content .= $formatted[0]; } else { $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'VALUE=DURATION'; if( $this->trigger['value']['relatedstart'] ) $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RELATED=START'; else $attributes .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RELATED=END'; if( $this->trigger['value']['before'] ) $content .= '-'; $content .= $this->_format_duration( $this->trigger['value'] ); } return $this->_createElement( 'TRIGGER', $attributes, $content ); } /** * set calendar component property trigger * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.8 - 2006-11-27 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $week optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param bool $relatedEnd optional * @param bool $after optional * @param string $tz optional * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTrigger( $year=FALSE, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $week=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $relatedEnd=FALSE, $after=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $xparams=FALSE ) { if( is_array( $year ) && array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $year )) { // timestamp $tz = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? $year['tz'] : null; $date = $this->_date_time_string( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $year['timestamp'] ), 6 ); $xparams = ( !empty( $month )) ? $month : null; foreach( $date as $k => $v ) $$k = $v; } elseif( is_array( $year )) { if( array_key_exists( 'year', $year ) && array_key_exists( 'month', $year ) && array_key_exists( 'day', $year )) $xparams = ( !empty( $month )) ? $month : null; else { $relatedEnd = $month; $after = $day; $xparams = ( is_array( $week )) ? $week : null; } $SSYY = ( array_key_exists( 'year', $year )) ? $year['year'] : null; $month = ( array_key_exists( 'month', $year )) ? $year['month'] : null; $day = ( array_key_exists( 'day', $year )) ? $year['day'] : null; $week = ( array_key_exists( 'week', $year )) ? $year['week'] : null; $hour = ( array_key_exists( 'hour', $year )) ? $year['hour'] : null; $min = ( array_key_exists( 'min', $year )) ? $year['min'] : null; $sec = ( array_key_exists( 'sec', $year )) ? $year['sec'] : null; $tz = ( array_key_exists( 'tz', $year )) ? $year['tz'] : null; $year = $SSYY; } elseif( is_string($year) && !is_int( $year )) { // date in a string $date = $this->_date_time_string( $year ); $xparams = ( !empty( $month )) ? $month : null; foreach( $date as $k => $v ) $$k = $v; } if( !empty( $year ) && !empty( $month ) && !empty( $day ) ) { $this->trigger['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day); if( !empty( $hour )) $this->trigger['value']['hour'] = $hour; if( !empty( $min )) $this->trigger['value']['min'] = $min; if( !empty( $sec )) $this->trigger['value']['sec'] = $sec; if( !empty( $tz )) $this->trigger['value']['tz'] = $tz; else $this->trigger['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; } elseif( !empty( $week )) { $this->trigger['value'] = array( 'week' => $week , 'relatedstart' => !$relatedEnd , 'before' => !$after ); } else { $this->trigger['value'] = array( 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec , 'relatedstart' => !$relatedEnd , 'before' => !$after ); } if( !isset( $this->trigger['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->trigger['xparams'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TZID */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property tzid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTzid( ) { $cnt = count( $this->tzid ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->tzid['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->tzid['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'TZID', $attributes, $this->tzid['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property tzid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.49 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param array $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTzid( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->tzid['value'] = $value; if( !isset( $this->tzid['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->tzid['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * .. . * Property Name: TZNAME */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property tzname * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTzname( ) { $cnt = count( $this->tzname ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $params = ( isset( $this->tzname['params'] )) ? $this->tzname['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'LANGUAGE' )); return $this->_createElement( 'TZNAME', $attributes, $this->tzname['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property tzname * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.50 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $params optional * @return void */ function setTzname( $value, $params=FALSE ) { $this->tzname['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->tzname['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $this->tzname['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TZOFFSETFROM */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property tzoffsetfrom * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTzoffsetfrom( ) { $cnt = count( $this->tzoffsetfrom ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->tzoffsetfrom['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->tzoffsetfrom['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'TZOFFSETFROM', $attributes, $this->tzoffsetfrom['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property tzoffsetfrom * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.51 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTzoffsetfrom( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->tzoffsetfrom['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->tzoffsetfrom['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->tzoffsetfrom['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TZOFFSETTO */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property tzoffsetto * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTzoffsetto( ) { $cnt = count( $this->tzoffsetto ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->tzoffsetto['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->tzoffsetto['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'TZOFFSETTO', $attributes, $this->tzoffsetto['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property tzoffsetto * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.52 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTzoffsetto( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->tzoffsetto['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->tzoffsetto['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->tzoffsetto['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: TZURL */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property tzurl * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createTzurl( ) { $cnt = count( $this->tzurl ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->tzurl['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->tzurl['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'TZURL', $attributes, $this->tzurl['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property tzurl * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.53 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setTzurl( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->tzurl['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->tzurl['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->tzurl['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: UID */ /* * creates formatted output for calendar component property uid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createUid( ) { $cnt = count( $this->uid ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) { $this->_makeuid(); } $attributes = ( isset( $this->uid['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->uid['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'UID', $attributes, $this->uid['value'] ); } /** * return calendar component property uid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.54 - 2006-09-15 * @return string */ function getUid( ) { $cnt = count( $this->uid ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) { $this->_makeuid(); } return $this->uid['value']; } /** * create an unique id for this calendar component object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.57 - 2006-09-17 * @return void */ function _makeUid() { $unique = null; $base = 'aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPrRsStTuUvVxXuUvVwWzZ1234567890 '; $start = 0; $end = strlen( $base ) - 1; $length = 10; $str = null; for( $p = 0; $p < $length; $p++ ) { $basePos = mt_rand( $start, $end ); $unique .= $base{$basePos}; } if( empty( $this->unique_id )) $this->_makeUnique_id(); $this->uid['value'] = date('Ymd\THisT').'-'.$unique.'@'.$this->unique_id; } /** * set calendar component property uid * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.54 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setUid( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->uid['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->uid['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->uid['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: URL */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property url * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createUrl( ) { $cnt = count( $this->url ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $attributes = ( isset( $this->url['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $this->url['xparams'] ) : null; return $this->_createElement( 'URL', $attributes, $this->url['value'] ); } /** * set calendar component property url * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.55 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $value * @param string $xparams optional * @return void */ function setUrl( $value, $xparams=FALSE ) { $this->url['value'] = $value; if( empty( $this->url['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $xparams )) { foreach( $xparams as $xparamKey => $xparamValue ) $this->url['xparams'][strtoupper( $xparamKey )] = $xparamValue; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * Property Name: x-prop */ /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property x-prop * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createXprop( ) { $cnt = count( $this->xprop ); if( 0 >= $cnt ) return; $xprop = null; foreach( $this->xprop as $xpropPart ) { foreach( $xpropPart['value'] as $label => $value ) $params = ( isset( $xpropPart['params'] )) ? $xpropPart['params'] : FALSE; $attributes = $this->_createParams( $params, array( 'LANGUAGE' )); $xprop .= $this->_createElement( $label, $attributes, $value ); } return $xprop; } /** * set calendar component property x-prop * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.56 - 2006-09-15 * @param string $label * @param string $value * @param array $params optional * @return void */ function setXprop( $label, $value, $params=FALSE ) { $xprop['value'] = array( $label => $value); if( empty( $xprop['value'] )) return; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) $xprop['params'][strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } $this->xprop[] = $xprop; } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * create element format parts * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function _createFormat() { switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $this->objName = ( isset( $this->timezonetype )) ? strtolower( $this->timezonetype ) : strtolower( $this->objName ); $this->componentStart1 = $this->elementStart1 = '<'; $this->componentStart2 = $this->elementStart2 = '>'; $this->componentEnd1 = $this->elementEnd1 = 'componentEnd2 = $this->elementEnd2 = '>'.$this->nl; $this->intAttrDelimiter = ''; $this->attributeDelimiter = $this->nl; $this->valueInit = null; break; default: $this->objName = ( isset( $this->timezonetype )) ? strtoupper( $this->timezonetype ) : strtoupper( $this->objName ); $this->componentStart1 = 'BEGIN:'; $this->componentStart2 = null; $this->componentEnd1 = 'END:'; $this->componentEnd2 = $this->nl; $this->elementStart1 = null; $this->elementStart2 = null; $this->elementEnd1 = null; $this->elementEnd2 = $this->nl; $this->intAttrDelimiter = ''; $this->attributeDelimiter = ';'; $this->valueInit = ':'; break; } } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.15 - 2007-01-08 * @param string $label property name * @param string $attributes property attributes * @param string $content property content (optional) * @return string */ function _createElement( $label, $attributes, $content=FALSE ) { $label = $this->_formatPropertyName( $label ); $output = $this->elementStart1.$label; $categoriesAttrLang = null; $attachInlineBinary = FALSE; $attachfmttype = null; if( !empty( $attributes )) { $attributes = trim( $attributes ); if ( 'xcal' == $this->format) { $attributes2 = explode( $this->intAttrDelimiter, $attributes ); $attributes = null; foreach( $attributes2 as $attribute ) { $attrKVarr = explode( '=', $attribute ); if( empty( $attrKVarr[0] )) continue; if( !isset( $attrKVarr[1] )) { $attrValue = $attrKVarr[0]; $attrKey = null; } elseif( 2 == count( $attrKVarr)) { $attrKey = strtolower( $attrKVarr[0] ); $attrValue = $attrKVarr[1]; } else { $attrKey = strtolower( $attrKVarr[0] ); unset( $attrKVarr[0] ); $attrValue = implode( '=', $attrKVarr ); } if(( 'attach' == $label ) && ( in_array( $attrKey, array( 'fmttype', 'encoding', 'value' )))) { $attachInlineBinary = TRUE; if( 'fmttype' == $attrKey ) $attachfmttype = $attrKey.'='.$attrValue; continue; } elseif(( 'categories' == $label ) && ( 'language' == $attrKey )) $categoriesAttrLang = $attrKey.'='.$attrValue; else { $attributes .= ( empty( $attributes )) ? ' ' : $this->attributeDelimiter.' '; $attributes .= ( !empty( $attrKey )) ? $attrKey.'=' : null; if(( '"' == substr( $attrValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $attrValue, -1 ))) { $attrValue = substr( $attrValue, 1, ( strlen( $attrValue ) - 2 )); $attrValue = str_replace( '"', '', $attrValue ); } $attributes .= '"'.htmlspecialchars( $attrValue ).'"'; } } } else { $attributes = str_replace( $this->intAttrDelimiter, $this->attributeDelimiter, $attributes ); } } if(((( 'attach' == $label ) && !$attachInlineBinary ) || ( in_array( $label, array( 'tzurl', 'url' )))) && ( 'xcal' == $this->format)) { $pos = strrpos($content, "/"); $docname = ( $pos !== false) ? substr( $content, (1 - strlen( $content ) + $pos )) : $content; $this->xcaldecl[] = array( 'xmldecl' => 'ENTITY' , 'uri' => $docname , 'ref' => 'SYSTEM' , 'external' => $content , 'type' => 'NDATA' , 'type2' => 'BINERY' ); // print_r(end($this->xcaldecl)); echo "
\n"; // test ### $attributes .= ( empty( $attributes )) ? ' ' : $this->attributeDelimiter.' '; $attributes .= 'uri="'.$docname.'"'; $content = null; if( 'attach' == $label ) { $attributes = str_replace( $this->attributeDelimiter, $this->intAttrDelimiter, $attributes ); $content = $this->_createElement( 'extref', $attributes, null ); $attributes = null; } } elseif(( 'attach' == $label ) && $attachInlineBinary && ( 'xcal' == $this->format)) { $content = $this->nl.$this->_createElement( 'b64bin', $attachfmttype, $content ); // max one attribute } $output .= $attributes; if( !$content ) { switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $output .= ' /'; $output .= $this->elementStart2; return $output; break; default: $output .= $this->elementStart2; return $this->_size75( $output ); break; } } $output .= $this->elementStart2; switch( $label ) { case 'categories': // case 'resources': ?? $output .= $this->nl; $items = explode(',', $content); $content = null; foreach( $items as $item ) $content .= $this->_createElement( 'item', $categoriesAttrLang, $item ); // max one attribute break; case 'geo': $output .= $this->nl; list($lat, $lon) = explode(';', $content); $content = null; $content .= $this->_createElement( 'lat', null, $lat ); $content .= $this->_createElement( 'lon', null, $lon ); break; default: break; } $output .= $this->valueInit.$content; switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return $output.$this->elementEnd1.$label.$this->elementEnd2; break; default: return $this->_size75( $output ); break; } } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property parameters * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $params optional * @param array $ctrKeys optional * @return string */ function _createParams( $params, $ctrKeys=array() ) { $attrLANG = $attr1 = $attr2 = null; $CNattrKey = ( in_array( 'CN', $ctrKeys )) ? TRUE : FALSE ; $LANGattrKey = ( in_array( 'LANGUAGE', $ctrKeys )) ? TRUE : FALSE ; $CNattrExist = $LANGattrExist = FALSE; if( is_array( $params )) { foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) { if( is_int( $paramKey )) $attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.$paramValue; elseif(( 'LANGUAGE' == $paramKey ) && $LANGattrKey ) { $attrLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter."LANGUAGE=$paramValue"; $LANGattrExist = TRUE; } elseif(( 'CN' == $paramKey ) && $CNattrKey ) { $attr1 = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'CN="'.$paramValue.'"'; $CNattrExist = TRUE; } elseif(( 'ALTREP' == $paramKey ) && in_array( $paramKey, $ctrKeys )) $attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'ALTREP="'.$paramValue.'"'; elseif(( 'DIR' == $paramKey ) && in_array( $paramKey, $ctrKeys )) $attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'DIR="'.$paramValue.'"'; elseif(( 'SENT-BY' == $paramKey ) && in_array( $paramKey, $ctrKeys )) $attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'SENT-BY="MAILTO:'.$paramValue.'"'; else $attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter."$paramKey=$paramValue"; } } if( $CNattrExist && !$LANGattrExist && $this->getLanguage()) $attrLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$this->getLanguage(); elseif( $LANGattrKey && !$LANGattrExist && $this->getLanguage()) $attrLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$this->getLanguage(); return $attrLANG.$attr1.$attr2; } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type date/date-time * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $datetime * $param int $parno, optional, default 6 * @return array */ function _format_date_time( $datetime, $parno=6 ) { if( !isset( $datetime['year'] ) && !isset( $datetime['month'] ) && !isset( $datetime['day'] ) && !isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && !isset( $datetime['min'] ) && !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) return ; $output = array(); $output[0] = date('Ymd', mktime ( 0, 0, 0 , (integer) $datetime['month'] , (integer) $datetime['day'] , (integer) $datetime['year'])); if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) || isset( $datetime['min'] ) || isset( $datetime['sec'] ) || isset( $datetime['tz'] )) { if( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && !isset( $datetime['hour'] )) $datetime['hour'] = '0'; if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && !isset( $datetime['min'] )) $datetime['min'] = '0'; if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && isset( $datetime['min'] ) && !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) $datetime['sec'] = '0'; $output[1] = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'VALUE=DATE-TIME'; foreach( $datetime as $dkey => $dvalue ) { if( 'tz' != $dkey ) $datetime[$dkey] = (integer) $dvalue; } $output[0] .= date('\THis', mktime ( $datetime['hour'] , $datetime['min'] , $datetime['sec'] , $datetime['month'] , $datetime['day'] , $datetime['year'])); if( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && ( '' < trim ( $datetime['tz'] ))) { $datetime['tz'] = trim( $datetime['tz'] ); $offset = 0; if( 'Z' == $datetime['tz'] ) { $output[0] .= 'Z'; } if(( 5 == strlen( $datetime['tz'] )) && ( '0000' <= substr( $datetime['tz'], -4 )) && ( '9999' >= substr( $datetime['tz'], -4 )) && (( '+' == substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 )) || ( '-' == substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 )))) { $hours2sec = substr( $datetime['tz'], 1, 2 ) * 3600; $min2sec = substr( $datetime['tz'], -2 ) * 60; $sign = substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 ); $offset = -1 * ($sign.'1' * ($hours2sec + $min2sec )); } elseif(( 7 == strlen( $datetime['tz'] )) && ( '000000' <= substr( $datetime['tz'], -6 )) && ( '999999' >= substr( $datetime['tz'], -6 )) && (( '+' == substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 )) || ( '-' == substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 )))) { $hours2sec = substr( $datetime['tz'], 1, 2 ) * 3600; $min2sec = substr( $datetime['tz'], 3, 2 ) * 60; $sec = substr( $datetime['tz'], -2 ); $sign = substr( $datetime['tz'], 0, 1 ); $offset = -1 * ($sign.'1' * ( $hours2sec + $min2sec + $sec )); } if( 0 != $offset ) { $output[0] = date('Ymd\THis\Z', mktime ( $datetime['hour'] , $datetime['min'] , $datetime['sec'] + $offset , $datetime['month'] , $datetime['day'] , $datetime['year'])); } elseif(( '' < $datetime['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' != $datetime['tz'] )) { $output[2] = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'TZID='.(string) $datetime['tz']; } } elseif( 7 == $parno ) $output[0] .= 'Z'; } else { $output[1] = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'VALUE=DATE'; } return $output; } /** * ensures internal date-time/date format for input date-time/date in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-15 * @param array $datetime * $param int $parno optional, default FALSE * @return array */ function _date_time_array( $datetime, $parno=FALSE ) { $output = array(); foreach( $datetime as $dateKey => $datePart ) { switch ( $dateKey ) { case '0': case 'year': $output['year'] = $datePart; break; case '1': case 'month': $output['month'] = $datePart; break; case '2': case 'day': $output['day'] = $datePart; break; } if( 3 != $parno ) { switch ( $dateKey ) { case '0': case '1': case '2': break; case '3': case 'hour': $output['hour'] = $datePart; break; case '4': case 'min' : $output['min'] = $datePart; break; case '5': case 'sec' : $output['sec'] = $datePart; break; case '6': case 'tz' : $output['tz'] = $datePart; break; } } } if( 3 != $parno ) { if( !isset( $output['hour'] )) $output['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['min'] )) $output['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['sec'] )) $output['sec'] = 0; } return $output; } /** * ensures internal date-time/date format for input date-time/date in string fromat * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.9 - 2006-11-28 * @param array $datetime * @param int $parno optional, default FALSE * @return array */ function _date_time_string( $datetime, $parno=FALSE ) { $datetime = trim( $datetime ); $tz = null; $len = strlen( $datetime ) - 1; if( 'Z' == substr( $datetime, -1 )) { $tz = 'Z'; $datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, $len )); } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -2, 2 ))) && // time or date ( '-' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 )) || ( ':' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 )) || ( '.' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 ))) { // continue; } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -4, 4 ))) && // 4 pos offset ( ' +' == substr( $datetime, -6, 2 )) || ( ' -' == substr( $datetime, -6, 2 ))) { $tz = substr( $datetime, -5, 5 ); $datetime = substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 5)); } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -6, 6 ))) && // 6 pos offset ( ' +' == substr( $datetime, -8, 2 )) || ( ' -' == substr( $datetime, -8, 2 ))) { $tz = substr( $datetime, -7, 7 ); $datetime = substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 7)); } elseif( ( 6 < $len ) && ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -6, 6 )))) { // continue; } elseif( 'T' == substr( $datetime, -7, 1 )) { // continue; } else { $cx = $tx = 0; // 19970415T133000 US-Eastern $prevchar = null; for( $cx = -1; $cx > ( 9 - $len ); $cx-- ) { if(( ctype_alpha( substr( $datetime, $cx, 1 ))) || ( ( ctype_alpha( $prevchar )) && // prev char ( '-' == substr( $datetime, $cx, 1 )) && // this char ( ctype_alpha( substr( $datetime, ( $cx - 1) , 1 ))) ) ) { // next char $tx++; $prevchar = substr( $datetime, $cx, 1 ); } else break; } if( 0 < $tx ) { $tz = substr( $datetime, ( 0 - $tx )); $datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, $len - $tx + 1 )); } } // echo "_date_time_string 1a: $datetime tz=$tz.
\n"; // test ### if( 0 < substr_count( $datetime, '-' )) { $datetime = str_replace( '-', '/', $datetime ); // echo "_date_time_string 1b: $datetime tz=$tz.
\n"; // test ### } $datestring = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $datetime )); // echo "_date_time_string 2: $datestring tz=$tz.
\n"; // test ### $output = array(); $output['year'] = substr( $datestring, 0, 4 ); $output['month'] = substr( $datestring, 5, 2 ); $output['day'] = substr( $datestring, 8, 2 ); if(( 6 == $parno ) || ( 7 == $parno )) { $output['hour'] = substr( $datestring, 11, 2 ); $output['min'] = substr( $datestring, 14, 2 ); $output['sec'] = substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ); if( !empty( $tz )) $output['tz'] = $tz; } elseif( 3 != $parno ) { if(( '00' < substr( $datestring, 11, 2 )) || ( '00' < substr( $datestring, 14, 2 )) || ( '00' < substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ))) { $output['hour'] = substr( $datestring, 11, 2 ); $output['min'] = substr( $datestring, 14, 2 ); $output['sec'] = substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ); } if( !empty( $tz )) $output['tz'] = $tz; } return $output; } /** * ensures internal duration format for input in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-15 * @param array $duration * @return array */ function _duration_array( $duration ) { $output = array(); foreach( $duration as $durKey => $durValue ) { switch ( $durKey ) { case '0': case 'week': $output['week'] = $durValue; break; case '1': case 'day': $output['day'] = $durValue; break; case '2': case 'hour': $output['hour'] = $durValue; break; case '3': case 'min': $output['min'] = $durValue; break; case '4': case 'sec': $output['sec'] = $durValue; break; } } if( isset( $output['week'] ) && ( 0 < $output['week'] )) return $output; elseif (( isset( $output['hour'] ) && ( 0 < $output['hour'] )) || ( isset( $output['min'] ) && ( 0 < $output['min'] )) || (isset( $output['sec'] ) && ( 0 < $output['sec'] ))) { if( !isset( $output['hour'] )) $output['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['min'] )) $output['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['sec'] )) $output['sec'] = 0; } return $output; } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type duration * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.7 - 2006-09-09 * @param array $duration ( week, day, hour, min, sec ) * @return string */ function _format_duration( $duration ) { if( !isset( $duration['week'] ) && !isset( $duration['day'] ) && !isset( $duration['hour'] ) && !isset( $duration['min'] ) && !isset( $duration['sec'] )) return; $output = 'P'; if( isset( $duration['week'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['week'] )) $output .= $duration['week'].'W'; else { if( isset($duration['day'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['day'] )) $output .= $duration['day'].'D'; if(( isset( $duration['hour']) && ( 0 < $duration['hour'] )) || ( isset( $duration['min']) && ( 0 < $duration['min'] )) || ( isset( $duration['sec']) && ( 0 < $duration['sec'] ))) { $output .= 'T'; if( 0 < $duration['hour'] ) $output .= $duration['hour']; else $output .= '0'; $output .= 'H'; if( 0 < $duration['min'] ) $output .= $duration['min']; else $output .= '0'; $output .= 'M'; if( 0 < $duration['sec'] ) $output .= $duration['sec']; else $output .= '0'; $output .= 'S'; } } return $output; } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type recur * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $recurlabel * @param array $recurdata * @return string */ function _format_recur ( $recurlabel, $recurdata ) { $recur = null; foreach( $recurdata as $therule ) { $attributes = ( isset( $therule['xparams'] )) ? $this->_createParams( $therule['xparams'] ) : null; $content1 = $content2 = null; foreach( $therule['value'] as $rulelabel => $rulevalue ) { switch( $rulelabel ) { case 'FREQ': { $content1 .= "FREQ=$rulevalue"; break; } case 'UNTIL': { $content2 .= ";UNTIL="; $formatted = $this->_format_date_time( $rulevalue ); $content2 .= $formatted[0]; break; } case 'COUNT': case 'INTERVAL': case 'WKST': { $content2 .= ";$rulelabel=$rulevalue"; break; } case 'BYSECOND': case 'BYMINUTE': case 'BYHOUR': case 'BYMONTHDAY': case 'BYYEARDAY': case 'BYWEEKNO': case 'BYMONTH': case 'BYSETPOS': { $content2 .= ";$rulelabel="; if( is_array( $rulevalue )) { foreach( $rulevalue as $vix => $valuePart ) { $content2 .= ( $vix ) ? ',' : null; $content2 .= $valuePart; } } else $content2 .= $rulevalue; break; } case 'BYDAY': { $content2 .= ";$rulelabel="; $bydaycnt = 0; foreach( $rulevalue as $vix => $valuePart ) { $content21 = $content22 = null; if( is_array( $valuePart )) { $content2 .= ( $bydaycnt ) ? ',' : null; foreach( $valuePart as $vix2 => $valuePart2 ) { if( 'DAY' != strtoupper( $vix2 )) $content21 .= $valuePart2; else $content22 .= $valuePart2; } $content2 .= $content21.$content22; $bydaycnt++; } else { $content2 .= ( $bydaycnt ) ? ',' : null; if( 'DAY' != strtoupper( $vix )) $content21 .= $valuePart; else { $content22 .= $valuePart; $bydaycnt++; } $content2 .= $content21.$content22; } } break; } default: { $content2 .= ";$rulelabel=$rulevalue"; break; } } } $recur .= $this->_createElement( $recurlabel, $attributes, $content1.$content2 ); } return $recur; } /** * create property name case - lower/upper * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param string $propertyName * @return string */ function _formatPropertyName( $propertyName ) { switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': return strtolower( $propertyName ); break; default: return strtoupper( $propertyName ); break; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * add calendar component as subcomponent to container for subcomponents * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @param object $component calendar component * @return void */ function addSubComponent ( $component ) { $this->subcomponents[] = $component; } /** * creates formatted output for subcomponents * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @return string */ function createSubComponent() { $subcomponents = null; foreach( $this->subcomponents as $component ) { if( !$component->getLanguage() ) $component->setLanguage( $this->getLanguage() ); if( !isset( $component->nl )) $component->nl = $this->nl; if( !isset( $component->unique_id )) $component->unique_id = $this->unique_id; $component->format = $this->format; $subcomponents .= $component->createComponent( $this->xcaldecl ); } return $subcomponents; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * get language for calendar component as defined in [RFC 1766] * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.36 - 2006-09-14 * @return string */ function getLanguage( ) { if( empty( $this->language )) return null; else return $this->language; } /** * set language for calendar component as defined in [RFC 1766] * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.8 - 2006-09-10 * @param string $value * @return void */ function setLanguage( $value ) { $this->language = $value; } /*********************************************************************************/ /** * make default unique_id for calendar prodid, used in _makeUid function ' * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.57 - 2006-09-17 * @return void */ function _makeUnique_id() { $this->unique_id = gethostbyname( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ); } /** * set calendar component property unique_id, used in _makeUid function * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @param string $value * @return void */ function setUnique_id( $value ) { $this->unique_id = $value; } /********************************************************************************/ /** * break lines at pos 75 * * Lines of text SHOULD NOT be longer than 75 octets, excluding the line * break. Long content lines SHOULD be split into a multiple line * representations using a line "folding" technique. That is, a long * line can be split between any two characters by inserting a CRLF * immediately followed by a single linear white space character (i.e., * SPACE, US-ASCII decimal 32 or HTAB, US-ASCII decimal 9). Any sequence * of CRLF followed immediately by a single linear white space character * is ignored (i.e., removed) when processing the content type. * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @param string $value * @return string */ function _size75( $string ) { $strlen = strlen( $string ); $tmp = $string; $string = null; while( $strlen > 75 ) { $string .= substr( $tmp, 0, 75 ); $string .= $this->nl; $tmp = ' '.substr( $tmp, 75 ); $strlen = strlen( $tmp ); } $string .= rtrim( $tmp ); // the rest if( $this->nl != substr( $string, ( 0 - strlen( $this->nl )))) $string .= $this->nl; return $string; } /** * special characters management * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.12 - 2006-12-21 * @param string $string * @return string */ function _strrep( $string ) { switch( $this->format ) { case 'xcal': $string = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( stripslashes( urldecode ( $string )))); break; default: $string = str_replace('"', "'", $string); $string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $string); $string = str_replace(',', '\,', $string); $string = str_replace(';', '\;', $string); $string = str_replace( $this->nl, '\n', $string); break; } return $string; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VEVENT * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 */ class vevent extends calendarComponent { /** * constructor for calendar component VEVENT object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function vevent() { $this->calendarComponent(); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VEVENT object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createAttach(); $component .= $this->createAttendee(); $component .= $this->createCategories(); $component .= $this->createComment(); $component .= $this->createContact(); $component .= $this->createClass(); $component .= $this->createCreated(); $component .= $this->createDescription(); $component .= $this->createDtend(); $component .= $this->createDtstamp(); $component .= $this->createDtstart(); $component .= $this->createDue(); $component .= $this->createDuration(); $component .= $this->createExdate(); $component .= $this->createExrule(); $component .= $this->createGeo(); $component .= $this->createLastModified(); $component .= $this->createLocation(); $component .= $this->createOrganizer(); $component .= $this->createPriority(); $component .= $this->createRdate(); $component .= $this->createRelatedTo(); $component .= $this->createRequestStatus(); $component .= $this->createRecurrenceid(); $component .= $this->createResources(); $component .= $this->createRrule(); $component .= $this->createSequence(); $component .= $this->createStatus(); $component .= $this->createSummary(); $component .= $this->createTransp(); $component .= $this->createUid(); $component .= $this->createUrl(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); if( $this->nl != substr( $component, ( 0 - strlen( $this->nl )))) $component .= $this->nl; $component .= $this->createSubComponent(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VTODO * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 */ class vtodo extends calendarComponent { /** * constructor for calendar component VTODO object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function vtodo() { $this->calendarComponent(); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VTODO object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createAttach(); $component .= $this->createAttendee(); $component .= $this->createCategories(); $component .= $this->createClass(); $component .= $this->createComment(); $component .= $this->createCompleted(); $component .= $this->createContact(); $component .= $this->createCreated(); $component .= $this->createDescription(); $component .= $this->createDtstamp(); $component .= $this->createDtstart(); $component .= $this->createDue(); $component .= $this->createDuration(); $component .= $this->createExdate(); $component .= $this->createExrule(); $component .= $this->createGeo(); $component .= $this->createLastModified(); $component .= $this->createLocation(); $component .= $this->createOrganizer(); $component .= $this->createPercentComplete(); $component .= $this->createPriority(); $component .= $this->createRdate(); $component .= $this->createRelatedTo(); $component .= $this->createRequestStatus(); $component .= $this->createRecurrenceid(); $component .= $this->createResources(); $component .= $this->createRrule(); $component .= $this->createSequence(); $component .= $this->createStatus(); $component .= $this->createSequence(); $component .= $this->createSummary(); $component .= $this->createUid(); $component .= $this->createUrl(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); if( $this->nl != substr( $component, ( 0 - strlen( $this->nl )))) $component .= $this->nl; $component .= $this->createSubComponent(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VJOURNAL * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 */ class vjournal extends calendarComponent { /** * constructor for calendar component VJOURNAL object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function vjournal() { $this->calendarComponent(); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VJOURNAL object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createAttendee(); $component .= $this->createAttach(); $component .= $this->createCategories(); $component .= $this->createClass(); $component .= $this->createComment(); $component .= $this->createCreated(); $component .= $this->createDescription(); $component .= $this->createDtstamp(); $component .= $this->createDtstart(); $component .= $this->createExdate(); $component .= $this->createExrule(); $component .= $this->createFreebusy(); $component .= $this->createLastModified(); $component .= $this->createOrganizer(); $component .= $this->createRdate(); $component .= $this->createRequestStatus(); $component .= $this->createRecurrenceid(); $component .= $this->createRelatedTo(); $component .= $this->createRrule(); $component .= $this->createSequence(); $component .= $this->createStatus(); $component .= $this->createSummary(); $component .= $this->createUid(); $component .= $this->createUrl(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VFREEBUSY * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.3 - 2006-09-09 */ class vfreebusy extends calendarComponent { /** * constructor for calendar component VFREEBUSY object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.7.3 - 2006-09-09 * @return void */ function vfreebusy() { $this->calendarComponent(); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VFREEBUSY object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createAttendee(); $component .= $this->createComment(); $component .= $this->createContact(); $component .= $this->createDtend(); $component .= $this->createDtstart(); $component .= $this->createDtstamp(); $component .= $this->createDuration(); $component .= $this->createFreebusy(); $component .= $this->createOrganizer(); $component .= $this->createRequestStatus(); $component .= $this->createUid(); $component .= $this->createUrl(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VALARM * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 */ class valarm extends calendarComponent { /** * constructor for calendar component VALARM object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-10 * @return void */ function valarm() { $this->calendarComponent(); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VALARM object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.10 - 2006-12-13 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createAction(); $component .= $this->createAttach(); $component .= $this->createAttendee(); $component .= $this->createDescription(); $component .= $this->createDuration(); $component .= $this->createRepeat(); $component .= $this->createSummary(); $component .= $this->createTrigger(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } /********************************************************************************** /*********************************************************************************/ /** * class for calendar component VTIMEZONE * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-13 */ class vtimezone extends calendarComponent { var $timezonetype; /** * constructor for calendar component VTIMEZONE object * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-13 * @param string $timezonetype optional, default FALSE ( STANDARD / DAYLIGHT ) * @return void */ function vtimezone( $timezonetype=FALSE ) { $this->calendarComponent(); if( !$timezonetype ) $this->timezonetype = 'VTIMEZONE'; else $this->timezonetype = strtoupper( $timezonetype ); } /** * create formatted output for calendar component VTIMEZONE object instance * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson * @since 0.9.7 - 2006-11-20 * @param array $xcaldecl * @return string */ function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) { $this->_createFormat(); $component = $this->componentStart1.$this->objName.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl; $component .= $this->createTzid(); $component .= $this->createLastModified(); $component .= $this->createTzurl(); $component .= $this->createDtstart( TRUE ); $component .= $this->createTzoffsetfrom(); $component .= $this->createTzoffsetto(); $component .= $this->createComment(); $component .= $this->createRdate( TRUE ); $component .= $this->createRrule(); $component .= $this->createTzname(); $component .= $this->createXprop(); if( $this->nl != substr( $component, ( 0 - strlen( $this->nl )))) $component .= $this->nl; $component .= $this->createSubComponent(); $component .= $this->componentEnd1.$this->objName.$this->componentEnd2; if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) { foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl ) $xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl; } return $component; } } ?>